The game was launched by Square Enix in 2016, and for PC earlier this year. However, few could dispute that Final Fantasy XV has content to spare despite its size. As is the case with many maps, of course, there is a distinction between size and content. The largest of the many video game maps by an enormous margin, the world of Final Fantasy XV is around 700 square miles. Just Cause 3 was released back in 2015, so Square Enix has had plenty of time. (Introduced in the Sky Fortress DLC.) Given the emphasis placed on the weather system in the upcoming Just Cause 4 it seems likely that the game’s map will be a similar size at the very least. Fortunately, players have no shortage of ways to get around quickly, from cars and tanks to attack helicopters and Rico’s own personal jet-powered wingsuit. Dwarfed by the later entries on this list, the Far Cry 2 map nonetheless boasted a high content-to-area ratio. The largest map in the Just Cause series, although it remains to be seen if the next upcoming entry will exceed Just Cause 3’s record the map in Just Cause 3 is around 390 square miles in size. Exceeding the size of both Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 4 by just a single square mile, the Far Cry 2 world map spans around 19 square miles. While the game’s premise imagines a different reality than the one that exists in Bolivia today, we do hope that the in-game world comes close to representing the country’s beautiful topography, and that players enjoy exploring the diverse and open landscapes it moved us to create.” #2: Just Cause 3 Ubisoft responded by making clear that the violent world depicted in Wildlands was a work of fiction, but noted that “Bolivia was chosen as the background of this game based on its magnificent landscape and rich culture. When the game first released, the government of Bolivia actually filed a formal complaint with the French embassy in La Paz over the game’s depiction of the nation. It was was also the first to feature an entire open world. The game was the tenth entry in the Ghost Recon franchise.
The sheer size and scale of Wildlands’ map meshed well with the inclusion of multiplayer the map is around 170 square miles in total. Released in March of last year, Ghost Recon Wildlands features the largest open-world map Ubisoft has ever made.